Saturday, August 10, 2019

Frequency Distribution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Frequency Distribution - Assignment Example A project needs to be measureable and therefore frequency distribution helps in assessing the frequency distribution. In the process of measuring the work output of different people we could make use of mean and correlation to get the right figures (Meredith,  2011). Frequency distributions allows for measuring of specific results for different people within a project. We could use of means and correlation analysis for the purposes of analysing the output of different employees in a company. Many projects are planned with timetables in the analysis of frequency distributions. As a result, frequency distribution allows for the analysis of time taken by different employees in undertaking their jobs even in cases of people undertaking the same job (Meredith,  2011). Project management involves undertaking various jobs and duties in the process of accomplishing certain tasks that are relevant and therefore, we could make use of frequency distributions. Graphs and tables show disparity to detail on different measures undertaken by different employees

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